This legal notice includes the general conditions concerning access and use of the website , which is owned Dr. Jose Lopez Perez, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cordoba, registered in the Illustrious College of Veterinarians of Malagawith the number 0590, with NIF: 27378959-N, residing at Avenue Los Boliches 105, Building Don Luis Netherlands, Fuengirola 29640, Malaga Tel: 952 583 726.
The website Dr. José Lopez Pérez aims to provide users with information concerning its activities and the services offered, trying to provide a useful service. The policy of this website is trying to make the contents are up to date, but it can happen that are not.
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The owner of this website shall in no event be liable for damages of any kind resulting directly or indirectly from the failure to read this notice, or failure to perform the duties specified in the conditions of the same. Also, according to the provisions in these conditions, the owner of this website disclaims all liability for damages of any kind that may result from the transmission, diffusion, storage, availability, reception or access the page site or its contents.
The owner of this website and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to any dispute arising from the access or use of the web to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Fuengirola (Spain).
© D. José Lopez Pérez, 2013. All rights reserved.