Being self-sufficiency becomes crucial in an emergency, as well as in other cases, because this can save time and money by avoiding several visits on different days to make withdrawals, on set results and establishment treatments.
Our equipment is backed by Idexx technology, world leading brand in house laboratory. Consist of full hematology laser technology, biochemistry, electrolytes, blood gases and pH, analysis endocrine pancreas specific tests, urinalysis, coagulation, and specific analysis of infectious diseases by ELISA (Leishmania, Filaria, Tick-borne diseases, feline viral diseases, parasites in feces, etc...).
We also work with professional external veterinarian laboratories competence and established reliability, to send tests that are not available at the clinic.
Our staff will choose for each case the most appropriate tests so that you can make the most of the cost of the same and avoid unnecessary costs.