Once you have decided that your dog will accompany you on your journey, the first thing you should do is buy a collar or identification plate showing all your data, the best of all is the microchip (mandatory)and is the safest method of identification. You must have a well-designed travel plan: know what to bring and where to stay, remember that not all dogs are allowed in hotels.
We travel by car
The car is the most common means of transport and usually best, since dogs are used to ride to the park or to the vet. However, the fact is that some dogs may have a hard time when traveling by car, so you have to try to make the best experience and as fun as possible for them. One thing you can do is change the destination of their trips. For example, if your dog only rides in car to go to the vet, it may be associated with negative experiences there. So take him to the park, the beach or the store where you buy the toys by car and he will start adjusting to the car as a fun time.
If he still getting nervous and unable to remain calm when traveling by car, it might be better not to organized long trips with him and if you have no choice but to do so, check with your veterinarian about the possibility of using any of the drugs available for anxiety. If your dog holds up well long trips, remember that, like people, they also need to stretch out and relax, so you should plan your trip with stops every 3-5 hours. Each dog is different so if you know that yours is unable to keep still for more than two hours, you may have to stop more often.
What to take
Here's a short list of things you might need to carry on the trip:
- Leash, collar and a muzzle (especially) if your dog is considered "potentially dangerous"
- A toy and rewards (for being good)
- Blanket or bed
- Garbage bags and cellulose paper roll.
- Medications (veterinary supervision): antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, Disinfectant, Eyes and ear cleaners.
- A first aid kit (with the help of the Veterinary): Bandage, sterile gauze, cotton, plastic collar protector, scissors, hypoallergenic paper tape.
- Medical history
- Passport which certifies shots and deworming
- Hygiene complements
- Veterinarian telephone number in case of any emergencies
It would also be prudent to have a list of several veterinary clinics in your travel route, in case your dog needs veterinary care at some point of your travel.
We travel by plane
In general, air travel with dogs is not recommended. Some airlines allow, if the dog is small enough, to ride in the cab in a carrier under the seat. Larger dogs, not so lucky, have to travel in the baggage holding area, which is quite stressful for many dogs that need to be sedated before.
Accommodation in hotels and cottages
It is vital to find and book a hotel in advance when traveling with animals. Today many hotels admit dogs and some even offer exclusive services for them. Learn if your hotel is dog friendly, find out how much it would cost you to stay with him before the journey. Do not be surprise when arriving to get to your destination!
Again, not all camping’s are animal friendly, so be sure to check before making your reservation.