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Minor Surgery and Dentistry

We perform pre-sedation evaluation tests according to the patient needs and requirements for the intervention. We provide our clients with a detailed budget with expected fixed costs and those that may occur after procedure.

At Villablanca Veterinary Hospital we think that a patient who comes to minor surgery deserves to be treated with the same high standards as those entering for major surgery.

That is why even when small interventions such as, skin nodules excisions or ultrasonic teeth cleaning, the animals are monitored by our anesthetists specialist. All procedures are conducted with the highest standards of hygienic and quality control.

Generally, the process begins with an appointment made to see our vets who will conduct pre-sedation testing, depending on the patient and the required intervention. Then the vet in charge will explain and provide the pet owner with a detailed budget of expected fixed costs and those that may occur.  Prior appointments will be set for the pre-sedation checkup as well as, for surgery or dental cleaning.

In most cases, the patients are brought in early morning and they will be discharged in the afternoon or as agreed with the pet owner.

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