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In our pets eye diseases are very frequent. Dogs and cats have conditions of their own species and breeds. Also, there are common diseases to both.

Some breeds have high occurrence in eyelid diseases (blepharitis, entropion, ectropion, etc.), nictitating membrane or third eyelid   (Eversion, accessory gland dislocation, dislocation of the cartilage). For example: entropion and ectropion are common in breeds like Shar-pei and Chow-Chow. In brachycephalic cats like the Persian breed entropion is very common.

Eversion of the nictitating membrane and dislocation of the nictitating membrane gland are very common in brachycephalic dogs like the Bull-Dogs.

Another acknowledged disease best known as Conjunctivitis, often associated with other diseases such as keratoconjunctivitis sicca   (Dry eye), can also be a symptom of an infectious disease. For example, Distemper relates to dogs and in Chlamidias in cats.

The cornea (the inflammation of the cornea is called   Keratitis), is a very sensitive ocular structure to pathologies. The most frequent   is corneal ulcers. These can be classified from the clinical point of view as simple and complicated. Of course, the complexes are most dangerous to the integrity of the eye. Every corneal injury, initially without magnitude, can become complicated if ulcer healing mechanisms fail and infection or profounder with repeated injuries. An ulcer without proper treatment can perforate the eyeball. The treatment of an ulcer can be medical and/or surgical depending on the situation and severity.

One of the most frequent visits to our clinic specially dogs seven years or older is cataract. Young animals can suffer from congenital cataracts, what that means, is that puppies can also be diagnosed with cataracts. Therefore, is very important to bring puppies to the ophthalmologist for early assessment when they first arrived home.

The   Cataracts are opacities in the lenses inside the eye structure that allows focusing images clearly. Over time, these opacities arise unilateral blindness in one eye only or bilaterally (complete blindness) if both eyes.

Cataract is a   surgical disease   and much of the success lies in selecting exactly when can the patient operate and when not. Almost fifty per cent of cataracts patients are not good candidates for surgery because of other ocular problems or systemic diseases. For the past seventeen years Villablanca Veterinary Hospital has perform cataract surgery by phaco-emulsification with a success rate of about 90 %.

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